Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Witty Title

I'm not one for introductions, so I'll just start how I usually would. By jumping in the middle of it all. I just finished a painting I did for one of my teacher friends (Mrs W.) and now I only have a few more commission doodles, then I'll be kicking up so new projects just for me. Though I don't pay well. A few things caught my eye. One being something my sister (Ruth, for future reference) suggested. She's been working on a movie illustration something-or-other, and brought about the idea of me trying to illustrate something for a movie myself.

The other potential project I decided on was ilfluenced by "Hey, Oscar Wilde, It's Clobberin' Time". Where artists do these incredable pictures of either authors or their characters in their books. Fun, right? But for now, I need to be doing work work. None of this FUN work.. that's unheard of..
Now, don't get me wrong.. I always make time for this so called fun *grins*. (And so you know the banner in the back says "Los Hazmadors"). Enjoy!